Originally posted by @iRevolt at http://cynicalarab.org/2011/12/12/photographs-of-the-invented-people-of-palestine/

This post is not meant to be a political/geographical response to the AIPAC fondling Newt Gingrich, as I believe there are a plethora of articles floating around which do their part in discrediting the blatant defamation that Palestinians are an “invented people”; instead this will be a photo-entry. I wish for others to see the people of Palestine before the occupation of their land. Before the creation of the apartheid state of “Israel”, in 1948.
The photographs can be found on Photographium, a historical photo archive meant for academic research.
Palestinian women. Bethlehem, Palestine; 1898-1914
Jerusalem shoeblacks at Jaffa Gate. Jerusalem, Palestine; 1920-1933
A Palestinian Madonna. 1934-1939
A Palestinian mother and her child. Bi’r as-Sab`, Palestine; 1900-1920
Palestinian women of Bi’r as-Sab`. Bi’r as-Sab`, Palestine; 1900-1920
Palestinian shepherdess. Bi’r as-Sab`, Palestine; 1932.
Virgins Fountain in Nazareth. Nazareth, Palestine; 1934 – 1939.
A Nazareth Maiden, dressed in antique brocade. Nazareth, Palestine; 1920 – 1933.
The old bazaars. Showing dome of Mensa Christi. Nazareth, Palestine. 1920-1933
Native family of Nazareth. Nazareth, Palestine; 1900 – 1920.
Palestinian girl holding a bunch of grapes. Ain Yabrud, Palestine; 1937.
Greek convent, library exterior. Jerusalem, Palestine; 1920 – 1933.
Bethlehem from south. Palestinian woman at a well, drawing water. Bethlehem, Palestine; 1938
Palestinians gathered for Nebi Musa (Prophet Moses) celebration. Jerusalem, Palestine; 1936
Jerusalem from St. Sauver. Jerusalem, Palestine; 1900 – 1920
Street scene inside Damascus Gate. Jerusalem, Palestine; 1900 – 1920
Tiberias (Tabariyyah), Palestine; 1900 – 1920
The Dome of The Rock from Northeast Jerusalem; Jerusalem, Palestine; 1898 – 1900
Al Aqsa Mosque; Jerusalem, Palestine; 1856 – 1860
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