Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gaza flotilla passengers positive about their mission #freedomwaves

By Hassan Ghani
Originally posted by Press TV at
The associated video can also be found there.

The freedom wave continues on its path to Gaza. Despite Israeli warnings that it will be intercepted, passengers on the two boats led by groups from Canada and Ireland remain positive about their mission.

As with previous attempts at breaking the siege, one common theme is the diverse nature of its participants. 

“Despite the fact that the boats were forced to reduce their numbers by the Turkish port authorities, the two vessels carry passengers from Canada, Ireland, The US, Australia, and of course Palestine. This remains, as its predecessors have been, an international effort.” 

Michael is from Sydney Australia. He's making the journey at significant personal expense, for the second time, after the attempt at launching a flotilla earlier this year was crushed by Greek authorities. He says he's driven by his experiences in Palestine. 

See and hear Michael Coleman who says he was outraged at what he saw and is shocked by the amount of global ignorance on the issue 

Michael is joined by Kit from the US, who believes Americans have a responsibility to challenge their government's role in the Middle East. 

Israel has, as in the past, condemned the initiative as a provocation, and a threat to its security. It says the waves of boats are a futile and worthless gesture, and any aid should go through its ports. 

For now the propellers keep turning, the passengers inside waiting. They have faith that one day they will reach Gaza. But today, Israel's warships loom over the horizon. 

~ Sofia Smith

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