Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here is to freedom, human rights and social justice to all in 2012!

On this day we celebrate no matter who we are and what we believe in. We celebrate life. Having made it through another year. Some have lived and survived yet another year in an ongoing revolution in Egypt or other places such as Bahrain or Syria in the Middle East. Some have survived another year living in Occupied Palestine. Some have just survived. Tonight it to relax. To be together. To just be.

To whomever you are; May 2012 be a year where freedom & human rights are accessible to all!  May you live, laugh and be least a little but until the struggles are over. Until the fight is won. Because you will win. Revolutionaries, the opressed, the occupied - and those of us supporting you...we will win! It can be no other way!

So I wish all of you a very happy 2012. Here is to freedom, human rights and social justice to all!

~ Sofia Smith

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