Thursday, April 14, 2011

Awarta 1 Month under Siege: Collective Punishment Beneath the Blanket of the World's Silence & Ignorance


For 1 whole month now,  the Village of ‘ Awarta is under curfew, suffering of disgusting Israeli agrression, curfews, arrest, violent forced DNA tests.

While actually,  no one at all has been charged officialy for the horrible killing of 5 Jewish Settlers in the nearby situated illegal settlement Itamar.

Besides broad coverage of news in Palestinian media, nothing really “leaks” outside the Occupied Territories but IOA is abusing the village and it’s inhabitants to victimize themselves even more than the members of the Fogel Family themselves, oppressing, violating and even not seem to be ashamed of  committing this collective punishment to polish up their eternal status of victimized Jewish entity.

Hence, even children have been arrested, as well 100 women simultaneously have been kidnapped in a nazi like operation.

Besides that, IOF seems to have reveived Carte Blanche to demolish everyone’s homes, furniture, belongings, beat, harrass, tear gas, molest and arrest whoever goes on legs in ‘ Awarta.  This is… whenever going outside is allowed because the curfews are going on since March 12 now.

For an impression of the violence some pictures, as pictures say more than a thousand words:

Or watch these video’s to see for yourself:


1 Month of Siege

One whole month now, media silences the suffering of ‘ Awarta’s people.
One whole month now, Human Rights Organisations just condemn the collective punishment, but harshly any ease of the atrocties is being taken of the people of the village near to Nablus.

IOA, behaves itself like a cheap prostitute by even legalizing landgrab, bulldozering ever since the murders immediately the already scarcely land which was left to them due to the ongoing construction of settlements nearby.


The Lawless situation of West Bank Palestinians

Settlements, which are according to the 4th Geneva Convention and the Hague Regulations forbidden. Illegal itself. It is prohibited by International Law, for an occupier to transfer it’s own people into occupied territories.

Like IOA needs murder to ethnical cleans Palestine.Who still believes the hasbara (propaganda machine of Israel) it may be clarifying to read the special topic: ETHNIC CLEANSING
In the meanwhile, the world lays beneath a blanket of Silence and Ignorance, not aware of this ongoing atrocities by so called G-d guided men and women of Zion, violating even their own G-ds laws.
For a complete and shocking overview  of Colonists’ violence since January 1, 2011, please read the special topic: SETTLER VIOLENCE


Mourning the Death

Let we keep in mind no murder is to justify, but the victimization of IOA is going beyond any level of comprehesion and tolerance, while the Israeli Occupying Authority itself commits an ongoing genocide on Palestinians.

Only this year, on April 12th, 2011, 67 Palestinians have been slaughtered or assassinated in targeted killings in West Bank and Gaza.

More ignorance and despicable silence of the world’s media and so called “United” Nations with their resolutions and laws come in mind, when you behold, these 67 human beings, souls, have damaged families, futures and bad prospects.

Even more for it is known, the ongoing siege on Gaza nor ‘ Awarta is not eased at all.


Just some consequences of a Siege

Today, Gaza enters it 7th day of closure. This is the sole crossing which is left to provide the Palestinians in the strip of foods, basics, medications, fuel, electricity and so on is being cut of any need whatsoever,
These curfews, these closures cause the death of Palestinians, every day, in a Silent Genocide. Since the Siege on Gaza 600 patients died due to lack of treatment, medicins or prohibitions to see a doctor or go to a hospital.

Like Gaza, the Village of ‘ Awarta is undergoing now the same faith. An open air prison in which anyone is delivered to the zionist policies while the world is sleeping, barely wakes up, seldom condemns but never ACTS.

It has been enough. Share this post, spread the truth.



In the Media…

~ Reposted with permission by Sofia Smith

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